Sunday, March 11, 2012

I'm Crying

When I attended my son's 8th grade graduation, I had tears in my eyes- pretty close to crying. But not because my baby was graduating. 

      I teared up when I saw the overweight teenagers come up to get their diplomas. I looked at them and envisioned their possible future...

      Then I realized that I started gaining noticeable weight in junior high. I wasn't too chubby when I was 14, though I managed to gain weight every year through high school and college, when I hit my high FIFTY pounds later, seven years after my 8th grade graduation.

     I'm pretty disheartened when I contemplate the life that overweight teens may encounter. Or endure. Many of them already feel the pain of looking different than their peers- of not dressing like them, of not being able to keep up in sports with their friends. Many of them are left out of the love loop that teens thrive on.

     And then I thought- why am I so upset for the children? What about the adults?

     Truth is, most adults are pretty unhappy being overweight, too!  And don't we all feel "young at heart?" Don't we want to look good in clothes and keep up with the activities of our peers? I know people that can't walk because of obesity- they need scooters just to get from place to place. Isn't that worth a few tears?

     Last month, I had an 81 years young woman join our meeting. Our team is continually inspired by many of our members in their 60's and 70's. All of these folks are improving their quality of life, and some of these determined people actually summon up the courage to change their lifestyle and stay at their weight loss goals.

     For all of you youngsters (and again, don't we all feel young at heart?)- it is never too late to pull yourself together. It's never too late to take control. Start following the proven plan that can lead to weight loss and maintenance success.

     WHY WAIT? Why continue with the misery of extra weight that is weighing you down? Just do it, once and for all.

    Make up your mind; make a plan and stick with livable/lovable Weight Watchers- the proven weight loss winner. There is nothing like it for LONG-TERM success. And don't you desire success for the long-term? You CAN DO IT.

    We've got almost fifty members in our meeting that are doing it already. Join us. I can't stop crowing: "The magic is in the meetings."

1 comment:

Leader Laurie said...

I did cry at that graduation- seeing those overweight kids and imagining what their current reality and possible future may be. (Music often puts me in a crying mood if I'm feeling emotional.)

I just want to say BRAVO to all those who ARE taking steps not to be held down by the burden of extra fat. It is a burden- for MOST of us. If it is a burden for you- take action. Every small step leads you in the right direction...