Sunday, April 29, 2012

What is SUCCESS on Weight Watchers?

Success with Weight Watchers is PERSONAL.
    We have one member that had weight loss surgery and lost a hundred pounds. Even though she lost some weight when she first joined, she basically PLATEAUED for the last year. Is she successful because she hasn't been losing weight? I say, "yes" and so does she! This remarkable woman hasn't been gaining weight! And she's making mindful choices most of the time. Just the fact that she's still a Monthly Pass member- comes to most meetings and stays mindful, means she's doing something positive for herself. (And just in the past weeks, she's stepped up her weight loss efforts- tracking/planning/being mindful- and has started to lose once again.)
    Sometimes people lose very, very slowly or maintain in a certain range. But they keep coming, knowing if they didn't have that weekly check-in, they'd start eating much bigger portions or totally out of control.
    Some folks don't come to meetings but see that Monthly Pass charge on their credit card statement. They can't bring themselves to cancel the MP because they know they still really want to lose the weight and just seeing that charge reminds them that they are a Weight Watcher. They plan to return- and they do- eventually.
    Success doesn't have to be weight LOSS. It can be personal to you. You may not be losing like you want to, but you may have stepped up your activity and are starting to feel good about yourself. You may have added more vegetables to the family dinner. You may have cut down the sweets you give yourself or your kids.
    Weight Watchers provides so much information on healthy eating and new behaviors that success must be measured in what is important to the individual.
    What does Weight Watchers success translate for you? First, pat yourself on the back for what you have accomplished. Next, if you want MORE success than you have now, what has to change? 
   The journey is a life-long adventure, but personal SUCCESS is yours- in whatever form you choose to embrace it.

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