Friday, April 22, 2011

If you kinda' do it, it kinda' works and if you really do it, it really works. -Tracking

Yesterday's meeting concentrated on the topic of TRACKING. I was pleased to see how many members are doing it!
It seems that many successful trackers are using their phones or the online etools for tracking. I prefer my trusty Three Month Journal.
Just like we all eat different foods on Weight Watchers and create our own "diets," we can choose how we want to track. There is no one-size-fits-all.
But, I do hold, "if you're not tracking, you're not doing Weight Watchers." If you kinda' do it, it kinda' works and if you really do it, it really works.
We all need help with portion control and tracking is the tool that makes it happen. It seems laborious at first, but then it just takes moments to track your food.
THE BEST TRACKERS plan in advance. If you plan your food the night before or at breakfast, you have a guide. You can always change it, but at least you have something to work from.
And as we like to say in our meetings:

Now that I've proclaimed that tracking is the only way, there is another possibility for those allergic to tracking or for those who need to travel. The Simply Filling Technique is designed for these folks. Pick up a guide to the SF Technique in our meeting room. Weight Watchers has something for everybody trying to lose weight. Can't beat the most successful weight loss organization in the world, can you?

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