Sunday, December 23, 2012

It Takes a (small) Village

It is hard to accomplish great things on our own. Often we need a mentor, family support, classes or friends- our small village.

Learning to play piano- someone has to pay for those lessons and perhaps remind you to practice. (Our parents might have paid for lessons and reminded you to practice.) Want to raise a child to be the best they can be? It helps to live in a neighborhood where people look out for all the children's welfare. Perhaps more importantly, it helps to have a small village of extended family that impart love and wisdom to your child. Want to lose weight but have family members that don't have to diet? You've got to get your housemates on board! 

​If you live with people that don't need (or want) to watch their weight, you will want to ask their help in watching yours. One of my friends told me that his daughter brings home bagels as a treat and this person's greatest food weakness is bread. He made a committment to have a conversation with his daughter that he'd prefer to defer the bagels to sometime down the road. (Maybe never? Maybe one?)

A Weight Watchers member has a daughter who loves chips. So did the mom! I asked her what would happen if she'd have a conversation with her daughter about not having chips in the house for a period of time. This is the kind of question you will want to ask your housemates- because it is really hard to do this weight watching journey all by yourself with temptations calling your name all hours of the day and night.

It takes a small village and it starts at home with your roomates. Since our village- the obesogenic society that we live in, is slowly starting to offer more healthy alternatives, we can rejoice in that. Yet, our small village, the place we live, sleep and sometimes work can hold too many temptations. ASK FOR HELP.

This time of year we have a few vacation days. Utilize one day to have a conversation with your family or friends who can support you. What can you ask them? What do you need help with? You will be surprised how much people that love you will want to help you. Be brave! Stretch yourself to do this asking thing that might be out of your comfort zone. What do you have to lose except those unwanted pounds? Go for it!!!

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