Saturday, November 10, 2012

Night Caps and Overcoming Night time Noshing

           Night-time Noshing?

No... I already brushed my teeth.   

    Because I spend many evenings a week in the kitchen (preparing meals for the next day), I often start eating. (Surprise, surprise: see it, eat it.)
    Two nights ago, I was truly ambushed by a couple of items (totaling over 400 calories!) that I saw and then popped in my mouth. Absolutely unplanned noshing. But last night, I went back to what works for me- I brushed and flossed my teeth,right after dinner.

    Everyone needs a night-cap to signal to themselves that the day's eating is done. Otherwise, we know the damage that can be done after a day of working so hard.

    One of our Weight Watchers members has her fudgsicle after dinner- then she's happy, content - and DONE. I need to brush my teeth. Having a clean mouth signals to me that I'm done and I really don't want to have to brush again. (Taking advantage of my lazy gene.)  More than half the time, I go to bed a little hungry- but it doesn't bother me. I kind of like it! It sure beats that feeling of going to bed a little stuffed, a little uncomfortable, and a lot disappointed.

    What will be your SIGNAL- your new habit- that the day's eating is OVER? Will you take on brushing your teeth? Will you have a little dessert after dinner and then simply train yourself  not to take anything else? Will you wait to have your Skinny Cow till exactly 9 PM and then call it a night? Try some experiments. Give yourself a few days to see if it is something you can live with long-term. CREATE your own night-cap and make it a RULE for your future wellness. 

    How can you take the constant night-time decision making out of the picture? Make a new habit. A new habit that will keep you smiling....and maybe even keep your teeth clean!

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