We just finished our first launch of the POINTS PLUS program in our meeting room. So many people came today! What enthusiasm! What "embracers" you are!
Embracers are people not afraid of change. They like enjoying the newest and best that life has to offer and they "embrace" it with open arms. Embracers know that when their computer needs updating, they update it. They don't moan and groan because they need new components to bring it up to date- they know that bringing it up to date will enhance their life.
The new components that many of you purchased today, your new Member Kits, your Points Plus calculator, the new electronic Food Scale- all of these will ease your embracing into learning, living and loving the program. You cannot work our program without tools. Can you be a pianist without a piano, sheet music, lessons? Can you learn to drive without investing in lessons, paying for gas and insurance? Can you learn to swim without the necessary instructors and equipment? No. You cannot learn our new program without some instruction and tools either- that is why I am so pleased that many of you invested in your success today. You are now "outfitted" to do your best, which will in turn make you feel and look your best!
As far as "instruction," that means attending the meetings. Your fellow members share so many good ideas and inspiration. We root for each other and help each other over the inevitable bumps. STAY for meetings. Do you improve your piano skills by coming to your lessons and leave after you check in? Don't think so.
I thought it was so interesting that Elaine, as a lifetime member, AT GOAL, bought a Deluxe Member Kit (pictured above). I asked her why, since she is already at goal. She explained that she is such a fan of WWers, she's an embracer- she plans to learn everything that WWers has to offer and master it. Even though Elaine is at goal for quite some months, she still comes to meetings (free!) almost every week. She says,"this time, I'm not gaining it back! If I have to come to meetings to keep on track, I'm coming."
I just checked on Ebay (I was looking for a photo of the Kit)- they are selling these Kits on Ebay for over $60! One auction just ended where someone paid $132 for this item. Don't buy your Weight Watchers items on Ebay- unless you like spending extra money. Our Deluxe Member Kit is on sale for $34.95, ($10 off during the month of December only AND includes the a coupon for a free Points Calculator). Why don't these Ebay spenders come to a meeting and buy their kit there? The world is funny....
I AM SO EXCITED! I'm losing weight- people in Europe embraced this program, our staff members love this program- and I'm hoping YOU will, too. May today be the last time you ever weigh this weight. It's all downhill (with a few inevitable bumps, of course) from here!
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