At yesterday's Weight Watchers meeting, our informal poll established that the witching hour(s) before dinner and the hours after dinner are the most likely times to overeat more than we want or need.
In anticipation of dinner, we may be hungry- or we are in the kitchen- and just being there makes us want to eat. After dinner, we want to RELAX! What better way to relax than by being a little drugged from our food? (Because, really- do we need to eat after dinner?)
There are SOLUTIONS to these challenges.
Your answer will be unique to YOU.
If before dinner snacking is your downfall, PLAN for it. Plan a snack. Plan a drink. Eat popcorn? Think what would work for you. Would an apple work? It is always a great question to ask yourself, "Am I hungry? Would an apple satisfy that hunger?" If an apple won't do it, then you are likely hungry for something else- and it probably isn't food!
If after dinner overeating is your downfall- PLAN for it. I remember one Weight Watcher who always planned a night time snack for 9 PM, not a minute before. This discipline helped her lose her weight to fit in her wedding gown for her 50th wedding anniversary celebration.
Look at your daily eating pattern. Where do you need to change your habits? You can do it. It takes a plan. YOU can come up with one-- if you truly want cut out those unwanted, unneeded extra calories that stop you from the progress you desire.
Don't let what you want at the moment, get in the way of what you really want for your life.
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