Monday, August 20, 2012

Progress, Not Perfection

My self-confidence grows
with every step I take
every choice I make
every single day
& every word I say

Make up your mind once and for all. Losing and maintaining a healthy body weight takes WORK! Constant attention. 

    Yet, very few people can give it constant attention. Instead, adopt the 80/20 rule. 80% of the time, you'll do your best and things will be routine. 20% of the time, "life happens." Be understanding of your situations and give yourself a little leeway. Just don't let your leeway turn into a freeway!

    Accept that the road to good health and smaller jeans is bumpy, full of curves and mountains to climb. Be willing to work on your health. Soon enough, the rewards will reveal how happy you are that you put in the effort.

    I had the privilege of taking a walk with a special Weight Watcher who is about to achieve "Lifetime" status. She told me that she lost enough weight that she can now pick up her child without pain. That's a reward that motivates someone to stay on the path.

    Lona was able to "run for the boat" and not miss her ride. She credits it to losing weight! 

    What rewards are big enough for you that will keep you on the path? Finding them makes the Progress Not Perfection concept easier to handle.

  • Hang in there.
  • Accept that you won't be perfect and you don't have to!
  • Understand that the game is a long one- but the rewards will present themselves one by one. 
  • You'll never want to go back to your old habits.
  • Hang in there. Progress, not perfection.
What can you do TODAY to make progress?

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