Sunday, June 10, 2012


Oh, yes!

Remember when you said YES to getting married?
  • How excited were you?
  • How many plans did you make and execute to make sure that the big day would be successful? 
  • How much enthusiasm did you put into the project?
Perhaps you've had a child get married.

  • Remember the energies you put into that affair?
  • Remember the enthusiasm?
    One of my coaching practice clients asked me a question during our last session. She asked me what made the people that get to goal succeed? We spoke of those winners' motivators and how important their determination to succeed came into play. We discussed the fact that when these folks slipped up, they picked themselves back up, renewed their efforts and came back to meetings. They never lost sight of WHY they wanted to reach their GOAL.
    This question has stayed with me. And now I think there is another factor for success: ENTHUSIASM. They mounted a willingness to make Weight Watchers work for them with the same energy it takes to plan a wedding. 
     If you've made a wedding, you want the big day to be a success. You are willing to plan, be creative, think out of the box. You are willing to put time, effort and of course money- to realize your dream. Could you transfer that kind of energy into your dream of losing weight? Can you see yourself jumping into your weight loss efforts with ENTHUSIASM? Something you WANT to do. Something you can get creative and energized from?
     It is up to you. Do you really want to succeed? Are you willing to put time, effort and money into the project? Can you bring some happiness and enthusiasm to making your big day (getting to goal) a success?
     I know you CAN do it. Harness your enthusiasm. Watch and learn from your fellow Weight Watchers members- and plan an energized campaign for success. And let's start with TODAY. What are you willing to do today to make your "affair" a spectacular success?  

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