The PointsPlus® buzz is spreading and many "lapsed" members are finding their way back to the meeting room to learn the newest offering from Weight Watchers.
On the old WWer plan, you got to choose between a 2-Point Bar and a 2 point large Fuji apple for the same Points "cost." Many of us chose the bar; it was convenient, sweet and you didn't have to wash it! BUT NOW, Weight Watchers has wised up. They realized that NONE OF US GOT OVERWEIGHT BY EATING TOO MANY BANANAS!
PointsPlus® is based on the latest, cutting-edge research that our nutritionists have gathered. And the most exciting innovation: FREE FRUIT. What is this "free fruit" option all about?
We know that vegetables have always figured prominently into any credible diet plan. Yet, dieters are often more cautious about fruit. When our nutritionist lifetime member heard about our "free fruit," she said, "But fruit has so much sugar!" Yes, it has sugar, but this is good-for-you sugar.

After dinner tonight I was thinking, "time for something sweet..." No PointsPlus® values left- but hey, there's "free fruit!" And it is the month of May. Cherries have come to Washington state (even if they are from California.) What a great night-cap, my free fruit. And if that doesn't do the trick: I still have some frozen purple grapes in the freezer (see comment for recipe). I call fruit G-d's candy- He created it as a gift for us. When you eat a really good honeydew, orange or papaya- aren't you amazed by how delicious fruit can be?
This is a life skill that we are now teaching: Reach for fruit when you need a sweet. We didn't gain our pounds from too much fruit, but creating a habit of reaching for fruit will help us lose and maintain a healthy weight.
1 comment:
Frozen Purple grapes: I like to buy the smaller, sweet purple grapes. Take grapes off the stem, wash them, dry them and then place in Ziploc in the freezer.
When you open the freezer for cookies- you will spy the grapes and take those instead!
Tastes like a grape sorbet. Also, it takes a long time to eat a cup of those babies. Enjoy!
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