When Life throws you a curve ball, you just don't feel like dieting. You don't want to track PointsPlus Values- don't want to shop for special foods and you really don't feel like cooking. "Dieting" or watching your weight seems so unimportant in the grand scheme of things.
Those curve balls can include caring for a sick relative or friend, trouble in a relationship, being ill yourself, having to move, or losing a job. Even international events can sometimes overwhelm or devastate us.
My thought on this issue is that we are fortunate if we make Weight Watchers such an integral part of our lives that it becomes second nature to eat healthier. Life continually throws us those curve balls. Really- when does life actually flow along placidly? Eating "right" helps us deal with life's challenges.
When you don't have the strength to track or even concentrate on your weight loss efforts, at least you have the "right foods" in the house. You get accustomed to eating certain meals and you fall back on those. If you have "bad food" in the house, the kind of food you used to binge on, curve balls can send you back to old habits quickly. "Why not," you think? "I have something bigger and more important to deal with! Who can think about dieting at a time like this?"
There are plenty of occasions in life that overshadow your efforts with Weight Watchers; you're possibly going through one right now. The key is to be on the plan long enough for it to become ingrained and natural for you. Weight Watchers is truly a lifestyle of healthy eating. Bags of chips will not solve a crisis. Boxes of cookies will not make your loved one's illness easier to deal with. Giving up on your weight control efforts will not get your husband a new job.
So, for those times that weight loss or maintenance seems to take a back seat to "life"- if you've been in the healthy eating mode long enough, you can just coast on auto-pilot and try not to do damage. Most of these periods in your life will pass and you can get back to making weight loss a higher priority. Meanwhile, just keep CONTROL with what has become second nature. Overeating really doesn't help solve anything.
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