Sunday, December 19, 2010

"Diets Don't Work!"

How often have you heard that saying? It is true: diets don't work - long term!

I just asked a close relative (name withheld) how the "diet" was going. He said it was up and down and it was HARD! Of course, he has no particular plan and what plan he does have changes often.

Of course, Leader Laurie was there with advice. "Don't try and diet. You have to face the fact that you will have to watch your weight the rest of your life. THINK about what you are choosing to eat, every time you eat. Make more good choices than bad choices. Cut back on your treats. Only eat if it is worth the calories- don't eat mindlessly." 

Easier said than done, but we have to get rid of the diet concept; this is a lifestyle-change. Most of my Weight Watchers realize that and say those words to me quite often. So why join Weight Watchers if diets don't work? Okay, most of you already know the answer: WWers teaches tools that help you lose and help you maintain. WWers has a PLAN! And everyone works that PLAN differently. That is what I love about WWers: what you eat is different than what I eat, but we're still all on WWers.

The soap opera continues: Will my relative accept the lifestyle-change concept? Will he gain weight this year or lose? If he gets to a happy goal, will he find a way to keep it off for good? Time will tell. 

Will you accept the lifestyle-change concept? Just ponder this:
People don't change until the pain of change is less than the pain of staying the same!
And you'll be smiling as you go to the doctor's to get weighed- to watch your blood pressure go down- to get off some pesky medications- to be more active than you were last year- to fit in clothes that haven't seen the light of day in years..... YES! Yes, you can. Get off the "diet"- use all the tools Weight Watchers gives you. Come and stay for the meetings. Diets may not work long-term, but you can CHANGE your lifestyle long-term.

1 comment:

Leader Laurie said...

Just to let you know...that relative is NOW losing weight. Exercising, portion control- he's really getting the hang of it. There is NO MAGIC. (Darn). Eat less, move more. Enjoy your choices!