You didn't marry the first guy who smiled at you, did you? You didn't buy the first car you saw in the dealer showroom, did you? You don't use the latest diet gimmicks to effectively lose weight for the long term, do you? You used your wisdom to evaluate your potential suitors, your favorite car and the BEST diet plan.
Weight Watchers teaches us to incorporate wisdom into our lifestyle: the habit of Being Choosey! You no longer eat every single goody that comes into your path. You evaluate. You weigh the consequences. You decide: do I really want this? Am I willing to risk the outcome? Do I really want it or am I just eating it because it's there?
Weight Watchers teaches you to FOCUS; to slow down the eating urges. Focus on your choices. Is that double fudge sundae worth it, or should I go for the kids' scoop of sorbet? Focus. Contemplate. Evaluate. Choose.
Whether you are strictly on program or whether you are taking your time about it- WWers gives you the "glasses" to see what is worth it in your opinion - and what is not.
As you head into the holidays, be choosey. IF you have the skills to "eat one"- go for it and track your POINTS. If you know you'll end up eating more than you'd like, get away from temptation. Use your G-d given wisdom to make the right choices-- so you can be where you want to be on December 31st.
Choosing to Stay for the Meeting
By choosing to attend weekly meetings, you get another opportunity to re-focus: a chance to slow down in our hustle-bustle world. A chance to choose to put yourself first so you can have a good week, refocusing you to keep being choosey for another seven days. For some folks, November and December bring the biggest eating challenges of the year. Two weeks ago, we set goals of where we want to be at the end of December. Each week in the meeting room, we learn tips to make those goals a reality. CHOOSE to make time to attend your meetings. It is a choice that helps you achieve your goals.
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