"The best diet is the one you don't know you're on."
from Brian Wansink's book, Mindless Eating
I've been a fan of Dr. Wansink since he published this book seven years ago. I liked the book so much, I bought copies for other people and have been showcasing his discoveries in my Weight Watchers meetings for years.
The above quote is the last line in the book, before the appendixes and postscripts. Unfortunately, many people could say they're already on that diet - "the one they don't know they're on." People eat mindlessly- bigger and bigger portions and many more times during the day than they did 50 years ago. As our country produces more and more convenient food and makes food so much easier to obtain, we've eaten so much more of it.
Availability + Convenience = Extra Pounds
This is the month we are going to concentrate on learning to eat MINDFULLY. On this special Day, Mothers Day, act like a Mother to yourself:
Concentrate today on Mindful Eating. You can do it. Your inner-mom might even tell you, Practice Makes Perfect. Have a great Mothers Day!
"The best diet is the one you don't know you're on."
So, how do you get to the place where your diet is the one you don't know you're on? By creating a healthy lifestyle that includes PRACTICING so many good habits that it becomes natural. Habitual. Routine. Though I don't think any of us with "weight challenges" can ever coast into complacency, we can practice enough Mindful Eating to make the journey easier. Keep practicing.
One way to practice is to keep in touch with Weight Watchers. By learning portion control and tips for self-control, we learn the skills to create a personalized plan for losing and keeping the weight off. It's certainly hard to figure this out on your own, and WWers has already done the math (and the research).
Hang in there! You'll be a mindful eater yet!
US NEWS and World Report ranked Weight Watchers #1 in three categories: Best Weight Loss Diet, Best Commercial Diet and the Easiest Diet to Follow!
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