Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Don't Get Cocky!

     Whenever you feel like you've got this weight thing mastered...rejoice! But be careful. You've been here before: you've lost some weight, you're rolling along with good momentum, good choices, a loss at the scale almost every week. You are riding high with energy and commitment. You feel like you've just about got this weight loss thing mastered.
     Be careful.
     You start to bring home some goodies that tempt you. You think, "No problem. I'm in control. I can handle this." Or you go out to your favorite restaurant and think, "No problem. I'm in control. I can handle this."
     What happens to all those folks who lose significant chunks of weight and then find it again?
     Many times, they got "cocky." They thought they were "cured."
     They loosened up the habits that were working well for them. As they were "in control," their portions got bigger. They stopped tracking or thought, "I don't need tracking! I've got this thing licked."
     That's when you want to be the most careful.
     Just be aware. When you're strutting like a rooster (even mentally), something just might trip you up. Usually- it is you.

1 comment:

Leader Laurie said...

Spoken from experience of course. I always share with my Weight Watchers that I struggle sometimes, too. In fact, rarely a day goes by without some food challenges.
I win more challenges than I lose- therefore I am winning the maintenance game.
But, I try to not get cocky! As soon as I do, I'm up on the scale!