As I get further into my Wellness Coach training, I am discovering new reflections on the psychology of weight loss that Weight Watchers taught me. Focusing on MOTIVATION is KEY.
Do you want to SOAR? Do you want to be the best you can be? Do you have a motivator that propelled you into the Weight Watchers meeting room? We all did!
Everyone's motivators are personal, but there is a general theme for most people that want to lose weight:

- You want to feel BETTER
- You truly want BETTER health
It is hard to be BETTER and SOAR when you don't feel good. So simple. Sure you do things that are amazing and you do creative things you are proud of- but it is EASIER to accomplish when you are feeling your best.
You don't feel your best overnight. You figure out your motivators, HOLD ON TO THEM- on paper or in your mind- and take the steps to work changes. It doesn't happen overnight- but little by little you make the changes that lead to BETTER.
I think I am bringing G-d into it because yesterday I was reading the 12 Steps that addicts work for recovery. Alcoholics and other addicts benefit greatly by working the 12 Steps. I do believe that reaching out for ALL help is helpful and G-d can be tremendously helpful. (Why not with weight loss?)
Be BETTER. SOAR. Be the best you can be. You are the one who needs to figure out your motivators and then what steps you are willing to take to get there.
You can do it! You just have to tie it to something you really care about. Yourself?
Your coach-in-training, Laurie
I love how you are strong enough to put yourself out there and talk of your reflections and how G-d will help us with any of lives trials if we have the courage to just ask him for that help. Well done my friend ~ truly are soaring! Your blog was spot on today. I talk about God all the time...why do we have to hide it. Other faiths talk about their God and what he does for them. Praying, meditation, just being quiet, can help us lower our blood pressure, our breathing becomes normal, then the mind can get in touch with the body and soul.
Continue your blogs on what God leads you do do. Being healthly of body, mind and soul is so important!
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