A few hours ago, I returned from an exceptionally invigorating walk in our "forest," the heavily treed walking area near my home. I tried to catch the break in the rain, but of course, by the time I got out there, it was a comin' down!

You know, it is one thing to HAVE to walk somewhere in the rain, but it is a whole different story to CHOOSE a wet-winter-walk.
My walk was fulfilling, fun and a time to fantasize. I was looking forward to writing about it and urging others not to be afraid of a little (or a lot of) rain.
Support the economy; go out and spend some money on some fun raingear. Or, be creative. Look what is hiding in your closet that could help you feel comfortable on a wet walk. The most important thing is to be prepared for a good time! (And no excuses!)
Unlike New York rains, we do get breaks in the weather. In fact, I see it is clearing up and beautiful right now! And I took a walk in the rain? What was I thinking?
No- I'm just kidding. Yes, it has cleared up- but I am a big believer in When You Gotta Go, You Gotta Go! I had to take my walk early today because of other timely obligations. And you know what: I'm not sorry I did.
Losing weight causes many of us to set new goals for ourselves, to challenge us to be better not only at the food and exercise, but at other things, too. And today, my other thing was stretching myself by heading out in the rain.
Are you a winter walker? Could you be? Well- you have tomorrow, the next day and the next few months to give it a try.
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