Last week an 80 year old woman joined our meeting. She had never had a weight problem before but she just didn't like how she was feeling. I couldn't see any reason for her to be joining but I don't make judgments about these things; if a person is not comfortable at their present weight and wants to be healthier/slimmer- I say, "go for it!"
But let's be realistic when setting our goal! I recently "talked" someone into getting to goal. She had this "number" in her head that she thought she should weigh (because it was smack in the middle of the weight range for her height). I asked her how she was feeling now.

I asked her if she would be comfortable staying at this weight.
I said, "Why not make this your goal weight?"
She answered, "OKAY!"
That very day she got her goal award and started maintenance.
Another member was stuck at a certain weight for months- after losing 70 pounds. She was not in her Weight Watchers goal range. I asked her to consider getting a doctor's note, stating that her current weight was acceptable for her health as a goal weight. She finally got that doctor's note and voila- hit goal. What a relief not to be feeling stuck anymore. Now she could be content and go on with maintenance.
We are not working towards a goal weight NUMBER or how we looked when we were 16 years old. We are working towards a feel-good feeling. We are trying to become comfortable in our clothes once again. We want to go shopping as Bev says, "Not in the old lady department." (Bev's not going shopping till she can buy "cute clothes" again- and she's getting there!).
Get away from what the actresses look like, what your sister-in-law looks like, what you used to look like. You're older now, hopefully wiser. Use your years of wisdom to set a goal that you can enjoy and live with. Its not what the scale says, it is how you feel.
Laurie, as a WW leader, I follow and so appreciate the thoughtfulness and insight of your blog. I understand members' dilemma of determining and setting a goal weight, and I agree with you -- that in the end, it's a really just a number. When I first reached Lifetime with WW in the 90's, I set my goal near the bottom of my range at a weight I'd wanted since high school but had never, ever achieved! My body was NOT happy at that weight, and I found I couldn't maintain it, ultimately gaining back all my pounds, plus more. In 2005, with the help of a caring, inspirational leader, I set a more realistic goal and have maintained it for 6 years. Yes, I must remain conscious, often one day at a time, but it's worth it, because I have learned that my body knows best. I just have to listen to what it's telling me!!!
Nancy, thanks for your personal insight. I can see how trying to maintain your high school weight could lead to gaining it all back. Wish members would realize that it isn't ALL or NOTHING. We just do what we can...little by little...bite by bite!
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