Friday, April 22, 2011

Chubby Children

Overweight kids have it tough. We all know about the bullying kids do in school, and the chubby child is often a target.
If you are an overweight parent, you can help. Join Weight Watchers. Let your kid see that you care about your health and appearance. Let your kid see that you measure your food and read labels. Don't point your finger at the kid and say, "I think you've had enough." Concentrate on your health and setting a good example.
This is actually a great idea if you have normal weight kids, too. When they see their mom or dad watching their weight and the focus is on healthy eating, the kids will absorb this as a life lesson. They may even decide to try a new fruit or vegetable if the rest of the family is oohing and aahing about it.
The best way to convey any life lesson for a child is to be a good example. 
I also recommend you get the book, Family Power. It covers five healthy habits to incorporate into your family life. This book was a huge help to me when raising my kids.
You are the parent- help your kid. Consider helping your kid by example. It can be miserable being an overweight child. I was an overweight teenager and I can tell you from experience.

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