Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Size Matters

I just returned from nephew Josh's wedding in Miami. For those watching their weight, Jewish weddings can be quite a trial-- like Thanksgiving, Christmas and an all-you-can-eat-buffet rolled into one event.

But, surprise! The hors d'oeuvres were teeny-tiny! I snagged a black bean soup that was the size of two or three thimbles with a spoon designed for feeding 4-month olds. The other appetizers were truly one bite masterpieces, so one could indulge in an array of new tastes without impacting their total POINTS plan for the day.

The dinner was a Weight Watcher's dream. First the artfully arrayed "deconstructed salad" allowed you to eat your first course with your own choice of dressings or eat it plain. The main course "Action Stations" encouraged the guests to sample small entrees of meat, chicken, turkey or fish with exotic tastes of vegetables and rices from international cuisines.

Weight Watchers doesn't ask you to totally forfeit your favorite foods or exist on a few food groups till you're sent off-track by sheer boredom. It's very possible to enjoy the food yet still not blow your POINTS budget. I knew there was an exciting Action Station for dessert, but I made a conscious choice to stay away from it. I didn't even go over to look at it. Why open myself to such an obvious temptation? Though others may choose differently, I prefer to spend my POINTS on healthier fare. Having done that, I turned my concentration back towards celebrating the happiness of the occasion with my family and the other guests.

There's no Point System you have to follow when it comes to partaking of joy, music, and dancing to your heart's content. As we go into the holiday season, remember: there are no limits on exhilaration and elation, mirth and merriment! SIZE MATTERS ... eat what you want, but be mindful about reducing the size of your portions and instead, just SUPER-SIZE YOUR ENJOYMENT!

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