Sunday, June 21, 2009


I think there are two kinds of eaters that gain weight: those that eat because it tastes good and those that eat because of emotional reasons.

When I was overweight, I ate because I liked cookies. And ice cream. And I liked lots of sweet things, too often. Other people (you know them-- the skinny people), could have eaten what I ate and not gained weight, but my genes knew just what to do for me- put on the pounds. So, I definitely fell into the first group of weight gainers, those that eat because eating just tastes good. And if it tastes good- let's eat more.

Others eat for emotional reasons- they are lonely. They are angry. They are celebrating! (Just give us an emotion or a reason and we will eat for it.) Even eaters who put on too many pounds because "it tastes good" may get depressed enough over their weight gain to start eating emotionally as well. "What the heck- I'm so overweight- I might as well eat this carton of Mint Chocolate Chip." We aren't just eating because it "tastes good," we are eating because we ate so many cartons in the past. That gets depressing....we end up burying our feelings with our spoon.
Well, we all know how well that works....

I'm not a psychologist, but I am an eater- and I spent many years gaining too much weight. It really doesn't matter why you eat- you just have to think about this GREAT QUOTE:


Weight Watchers teaches us to think before we bite. Am I hungry? Perhaps you are lonely. Then food is certainly not the answer. Do something about your loneliness. Are you angry at someone? Eating is certainly not the answer? You will be angry at that sob and then you'll end up angry at yourself! Are you depressed? See above thought on the angry person.

We all like to eat delicious food. At WWers we learn to enjoy our food in smaller portions. Yes, it takes practice. We also learn to examine our emotions and find other outlets for our emotions rather than food.

Take the time this week to examine why you eat- and make the right choices- as often as possible. You won't do it everytime, but every victory leads to better skills to serve you in the future.

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